2005 |
高性能焦电型红外线移动侦检器之系统需求与元件分析, 东南学报, 29 |
2005 |
A Novel Hybrid Scheme for Improving Image Quality, EURASIP JASP |
2005 |
CMOS Differential-Mode Exponential Voltage-To-Current Converter, Anolog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 45 |
2005 |
Time-resolved photoluminescence in Mobil Composition of Matter-48, Applied Physics Letters, 85, 26 |
2005 |
A Novel Wide-Angle Beam Propagation Method Based on the Spectral Collocation Scheme for Computing Titled Waveguides, IEEE Photonics Technology Letter, 17, 9 |
2005 |
A Nonparaxial Spectral Collocation Beam Propagation Method Based on the Oblique Coordinate System, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 17, 9 |
2005 |
An Efficient Semivectorial Approach for Analyzing Polarized Modes of Rib Waveguides, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technol., 23, 7 |
2005 |
An efficient and accurate semivectorial spectral collocation method for analyzing polarized modes of rib waveguides, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 23, 7 |
2005 |
Decay dynamics of blue-green luminescence in meso-porous MCM-41 nanotubes, Journal of Luminescence, 113 |
2005 |
RPG游戏制作, 东南电子工程学刊, 6 |